IAFNS is committed to sharing the results of the research we support, regardless of the outcomes. Our publications undergo stringent peer-review by qualified experts prior to publication and include disclosure of all sources of funding.

Commercial Devices Provide Estimates of Energy Balance with Varying Degrees of Validity in Free-Living Adults

Interest in improving accuracy, and replacing self-reports with passive tools when estimating energy balance (EB) using intake (EI), storage (ES) and expenditure (EE)) has led to wide use of commercial devices e.g. Fitbits. A study with free-living adults looked at repeatability, and measurement error of these devices and showed varying degrees of validity when used to estimate EB compared to gold-standard techniques, with EE measures being the most robust and ES the poorest.

Read more about Commercial Devices Provide Estimates of Energy Balance with Varying Degrees of Validity in Free-Living Adults

Rare Sugars and their Health Effects in Humans: A Systematic Review and Narrative Synthesis of the Evidence from Human Trials

Little is known about the unique physiological and cardiometabolic effects of rare sugars in humans. The objective of this study was to conduct a systematic review and synthesis of controlled intervention studies of rare sugars in humans, using PRISMA guidelines.

Read more about Rare Sugars and their Health Effects in Humans: A Systematic Review and Narrative Synthesis of the Evidence from Human Trials

Induction of the Viable-but-Nonculturable State in Salmonella Contaminating Dried Fruit

Salmonella is a leading foodborne pathogen globally causing numerous outbreaks of foodborne illnesses and remains the leading contributor to deaths attributed to foodborne disease in the United States and other industrialized nations. Therefore, efficient detection methods for Salmonella contaminating food are critical for public health and food safety. Culture-based microbiological methods are considered the gold standard for the detection and enumeration of Salmonella in food. Findings from this study suggest that unique stressors on dried fruit can induce the VBNC state in Salmonella, thus rendering it undetectable with culture-based methods even though the bacteria remain viable.

Read more about Induction of the Viable-but-Nonculturable State in Salmonella Contaminating Dried Fruit

The Challenge of Measuring Sweet Taste in Food Ingredients and Products for Regulatory Compliance: A Scientific Opinion

AOAC INTERNATIONAL formed the Ad Hoc Expert Panel on Sweetness in November 2020 to review human perception of sweet taste, assess the landscape of internationally recognized analytical and sensory methods for measuring sweet taste in food ingredients and products, deliver recommendations to Codex regarding verification of sweet taste requirements for FUF, and develop a scientific opinion on measuring sweet taste in food and beverage products beyond FUF.

Read more about The Challenge of Measuring Sweet Taste in Food Ingredients and Products for Regulatory Compliance: A Scientific Opinion

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