IAFNS is committed to sharing the results of the research we support, regardless of the outcomes. Our publications undergo stringent peer-review by qualified experts prior to publication and include disclosure of all sources of funding.

Flavonoids and Heart Health: Proceedings of the IAFNS Flavonoids Workshop, May 31–June 1, 2005, Washington, DC

This Journal of Nutrition supplement (2007;137(Suppl):718S-737S) describes research on flavonoid intake and the relation between flavonoids and heart health, and provides a summarization and prioritization of the research needed to establish the relations between specific flavonoids and heart health.

Read more about Flavonoids and Heart Health: Proceedings of the IAFNS Flavonoids Workshop, May 31–June 1, 2005, Washington, DC

Functional Neuroimaging Correlates of Mental Fatigue Induced by Cognition Among Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Patients and Controls

The purpose of the study, published in Neuroimage (2007;36:108-122), was to use functional magnetic resonance imaging to determine the association between feelings of mental fatigue and blood oxygen level-dependent brain responses during a mentally fatiguing cognitive task.

Read more about Functional Neuroimaging Correlates of Mental Fatigue Induced by Cognition Among Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Patients and Controls

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