IAFNS is committed to sharing the results of the research we support, regardless of the outcomes. Our publications undergo stringent peer-review by qualified experts prior to publication and include disclosure of all sources of funding.

Suitability of Material Recovery Facility-Recovered Post-Consumer Polypropylene Applications in Extrusion Blow Molded Bottle Food Packaging

This study provides key information on the use of commercially-sourced recycled polypropylene in food packaging applications, which was identified as a critical need for sustainable packaging by government agencies and industry.

Read more about Suitability of Material Recovery Facility-Recovered Post-Consumer Polypropylene Applications in Extrusion Blow Molded Bottle Food Packaging

Micronutrient Intake from Three Popular Diet Patterns in the United States: Modeled Replacement of Foods Highest in Added Sugar and Sodium Using the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey, 2005–2018

Modeled replacement of foods highest in added sugar led to more favorable changes in mean micronutrient intake compared to modeled replacement of foods highest in sodium.

Read more about Micronutrient Intake from Three Popular Diet Patterns in the United States: Modeled Replacement of Foods Highest in Added Sugar and Sodium Using the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey, 2005–2018

Understanding intentionally and non-intentionally added substances and associated Threshold of Toxicological Concern in post-consumer polyolefin for use as food packaging

This study identifies potentially harmful substances in polyolefin samples from material recovery facilities using gas-chromatography mass-spectrometry.

Read more about Understanding intentionally and non-intentionally added substances and associated Threshold of Toxicological Concern in post-consumer polyolefin for use as food packaging

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