IAFNS is committed to sharing the results of the research we support, regardless of the outcomes. Our publications undergo stringent peer-review by qualified experts prior to publication and include disclosure of all sources of funding.

Acrylamide in Food Workshop 2004: Priority Research Needs for Toxicology and Metabolic Consequences

This article discusses the determination of modes of action and appropriate dose metrics for acrylamide’s principal toxic effects, the examination of potential effects from perinatal exposures, the characterization of the dose-response relationship for germ cell toxicity, and the development of a human PBPK model.

Read more about Acrylamide in Food Workshop 2004: Priority Research Needs for Toxicology and Metabolic Consequences

Biomarkers of Nutritional Exposure

This supplement, published in the Journal of Nutrition (2003;133 Suppl), provides an evaluation of the use of biomarkers in nutritional epidemiology. The focus is on biomarkers that are considered to have current or emerging interest for chronic disease and methodologic research, and for which a substantial body of literature regarding their measurement in humans exists.

Read more about Biomarkers of Nutritional Exposure

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