IAFNS is committed to sharing the results of the research we support, regardless of the outcomes. Our publications undergo stringent peer-review by qualified experts prior to publication and include disclosure of all sources of funding.

Diet-Related and Gut-Derived Metabolites and Health Outcomes: A Scoping Review.

A scoping review to map evidence about the health impact of gut microbiota-derived metabolites is now available. The researchers found a need to conduct more prospective studies, including clinical trials. Researchers identified metabolites and conditions for which systematic reviews are warranted to characterize the direction and magnitude of metabolite-disease associations.

Read more about Diet-Related and Gut-Derived Metabolites and Health Outcomes: A Scoping Review.

Machine-Learning-Based Predictions of Polymer and Postconsumer Recycled Polymer Properties: A Comprehensive Review

Machine learning (ML) algorithms are gaining attention as cost-effective scalable solutions to exploit the physical and chemical structures of polymers. The basic steps for applying ML in polymer science such as fingerprinting, algorithms, open-source databases, representations, and polymer design are outlined in this review.

Read more about Machine-Learning-Based Predictions of Polymer and Postconsumer Recycled Polymer Properties: A Comprehensive Review

Quality of Popular Diet Patterns in the United States: Evaluating the Effect of Substitutions for Foods High in Added Sugar, Sodium, Saturated Fat and Refined Grains

Low diet quality was observed for all popular diet patterns evaluated in this study. Greater efforts are needed to encourage the adoption of dietary patterns that emphasize consumption of a variety of high-quality food groups lower in added sugar, sodium, saturated fat and refined grains.

Read more about Quality of Popular Diet Patterns in the United States: Evaluating the Effect of Substitutions for Foods High in Added Sugar, Sodium, Saturated Fat and Refined Grains

Scoping Review and Evidence Map on the Relationship Between Exposure to Dietary Sweetness and Body Weight-Related Outcomes In Adults

A scoping review and evidence map were completed to characterize the research investigating dietary sweetness and body weight. The aim is to identify and map studies that investigate total dietary sweetness, sweet food/beverage, sugar, or sweetener intake and body weight-related outcomes.

Read more about Scoping Review and Evidence Map on the Relationship Between Exposure to Dietary Sweetness and Body Weight-Related Outcomes In Adults

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