IAFNS is committed to sharing the results of the research we support, regardless of the outcomes. Our publications undergo stringent peer-review by qualified experts prior to publication and include disclosure of all sources of funding.

Global Wheat Trade and Codex Alimentarius Guidelines for Deoxynivalenol: A Mycotoxin Common in Wheat

2015 Codex guidelines for a mycotoxin do not appear to be affecting the global wheat trade. Without a core-periphery structure and engaged nations in the center of world wheat trade adopting these guidelines, it may take longer for these guidelines to be widely adopted, and for populations worldwide to benefit from lower exposure to Deoxynivalenol in their diets.

Read more about Global Wheat Trade and Codex Alimentarius Guidelines for Deoxynivalenol: A Mycotoxin Common in Wheat

Development and Validation of Test for ‘Leaky Gut’ Small Intestinal and Colonic Permeability Using Sugars in Healthy Adults

Oral monosaccharides and disaccharides are used to measure in vivo human gut permeability through urinary excretion. Baseline 12C-mannitol excretion precludes its use; 13C-mannitol is the preferred probe for small intestinal permeability.

Read more about Development and Validation of Test for ‘Leaky Gut’ Small Intestinal and Colonic Permeability Using Sugars in Healthy Adults

A Primer for the Evaluation and Integration of Dietary Intake and Physical Activity Digital Measurement Tools into Nutrition and Dietetics Practice

Unhealthy eating habits and physical inactivity increase the risk or severity of obesity, coronary heart disease, diabetes mellitus, osteoarthritis, some cancers, and depression. Primary prevention or treatments to combat these conditions include the adoption of a healthy diet without energy excess, routine physical activity, reducing sedentary time, and maintenance of a healthy body weight. Technological innovations have become widely accepted and are increasingly used to assess and monitor lifestyle behavior.

Read more about A Primer for the Evaluation and Integration of Dietary Intake and Physical Activity Digital Measurement Tools into Nutrition and Dietetics Practice

Potassium Chloride-Based Replacers: Modeling Effects on Sodium and Potassium Intakes of the US population with Cross-Sectional Data from NHANES 2015–2016 and 2009–2010

Public sodium intake in the USA exceeds the recommendations of the Food and Drug Administration. The replacement of added sodium chloride (NaCl) with potassium chloride (KCl) provides a potential strategy to reduce sodium intake while remaining within the KCl range recommended for health.

Read more about Potassium Chloride-Based Replacers: Modeling Effects on Sodium and Potassium Intakes of the US population with Cross-Sectional Data from NHANES 2015–2016 and 2009–2010

Evaluation of the Impact of Skewness, Clustering, and Probe Sampling Plan on Aflatoxin Detection in Corn

Probe sampling plans for aflatoxin in corn attempt to reliably estimate concentrations in bulk corn given complications like skewed contamination distribution and hotspots. To evaluate and improve sampling plans, multiple sampling strategies were assessed by Monte Carlo simulation.

Read more about Evaluation of the Impact of Skewness, Clustering, and Probe Sampling Plan on Aflatoxin Detection in Corn

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