IAFNS is committed to sharing the results of the research we support, regardless of the outcomes. Our publications undergo stringent peer-review by qualified experts prior to publication and include disclosure of all sources of funding.

Understanding intentionally and non-intentionally added substances and associated Threshold of Toxicological Concern in post-consumer polyolefin for use as food packaging

This study identifies potentially harmful substances in polyolefin samples from material recovery facilities using gas-chromatography mass-spectrometry.

Read more about Understanding intentionally and non-intentionally added substances and associated Threshold of Toxicological Concern in post-consumer polyolefin for use as food packaging

In vitro Protein Digestibility to Replace in vivo Digestibility for Purposes of Nutrient Content Claim Substantiation in North America’s Context

The reliance by North American regulatory authorities on in vivo rodent bioassays to measure the protein quality for protein content claim substantiation represents a major barrier for innovation in the development and marketing of protein foods.

Read more about In vitro Protein Digestibility to Replace in vivo Digestibility for Purposes of Nutrient Content Claim Substantiation in North America’s Context

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