The Lipids Committee addresses emerging issues and trends associated with dietary fats and oils to inform evidence-based nutrition guidance and to improve human health.

Research Focus Areas

  • Address questions related to the role of fat and its dietary sources in popular diets, as well as public health recommended eating patterns.
  • Evaluate genotype and/or phenotype data from existing and emerging sources on how individuals respond differently to specific lipids, including on nutrient status and on health outcomes.
  • Support evidence-based decision making on changes in the dietary fats and oils applications in the food supply that have perceived or potential health effects.

Archer Daniels Midland Company
Cargill, Incorporated
Mondelēz International

Catherine Field, PhD, University of Alberta

David Baer, PhD, US Department of Agriculture
Beltsville Human Nutrition Research Center

Recent Work:

Maintaining the Quality of Unsaturated Oils in Food Service Frying Processes

Oxidation of unsaturated oils is an important issue as the food industry adjusts food preparation practices, such as frying, that comply with legislation prohibiting the use of partially hydrogenated oils (PHO). This brief review focuses on frying applications and includes a summary of lipid oxidation’s potential effects on health and flavor, as well as strategies to curb lipid oxidation during frying. An infographic is also provided to increase awareness and support informed decision-making.


Long-chain omega-3’s (DHA & EPA) 

  • NUTRITION 2023 session on “It’s Time to Quantify Intake Recommendations for Dietary Bioactives” featured three bioactives, including quantifying intakes for long-chain omega-3’s (DHA & EPA) for full-term pregnancy (click here for the session overview). This supports a broader strategy to support science-based health messaging about dietary components that do not currently have established minimum intake recommendations.


Fat Intake Modifies the Association between Restricted Carbohydrate Diets and Prevalent Cardiometabolic Diseases among Adults in the United States: National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey, 1999–2018

This study evaluates cross-sectional relationships between carbohydrate restricted diets and cardiometabolic diseases in adult Americans, specifically comparing how amount and type of fat affects the relationship. Diets with carbohydrate intake below recommended amounts were associated with prevalence of cardiometabolic disease.

Read more about Fat Intake Modifies the Association between Restricted Carbohydrate Diets and Prevalent Cardiometabolic Diseases among Adults in the United States: National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey, 1999–2018

PUFA ω-3 and ω-6 Biomarkers and Sleep: A Pooled Analysis of Cohort Studies on Behalf of the Fatty Acids and Outcomes Research Consortium (FORCE)

In a pooling analysis of 12 studies from 5 countries, higher blood/tissue concentrations of very long chain omega-3 fatty acids (EPA + DPA + DHA and DHA alone) were associated with lower odds of long sleep duration. These findings highlight the importance of continued study of n-3 PUFAs given the public health implications of poor sleep.

Read more about PUFA ω-3 and ω-6 Biomarkers and Sleep: A Pooled Analysis of Cohort Studies on Behalf of the Fatty Acids and Outcomes Research Consortium (FORCE)

Using an Erythrocyte Fatty Acid Fingerprint to Predict Risk of All-Cause Mortality: the Framingham Offspring Cohort

In this community-based population of 2,240 subjects in their mid-60s, RBC Fatty Acid patterns were as predictive of risk for death during the next 11 years as standard risk factors (age, sex, total cholesterol, HDL cholesterol, hypertension treatment, systolic blood pressure, smoking status, and prevalent diabetes).

Read more about Using an Erythrocyte Fatty Acid Fingerprint to Predict Risk of All-Cause Mortality: the Framingham Offspring Cohort

A Combination of Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms is Associated with the Interindividual Variability in the Blood Lipid Response to Dietary Fatty Acid Consumption in a Randomized Clinical Trial

Blood lipid concentrations display high interindividual variability in response to dietary interventions, partly due to genetics. The study reports combinations of single nucleotide polymorphisms associated with a significant part of the variability in LDL cholesterol and TG concentrations following dietary interventions differing in their fatty acid profiles.

Read more about A Combination of Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms is Associated with the Interindividual Variability in the Blood Lipid Response to Dietary Fatty Acid Consumption in a Randomized Clinical Trial

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    [posts] => Array
            [0] => WP_Post Object
                    [ID] => 31646
                    [post_author] => 343
                    [post_date] => 2023-05-02 11:12:22
                    [post_date_gmt] => 2023-05-02 15:12:22
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IAFNS participated in the American Society for Nutrition Annual meeting - NUTRITION 2023 - presenting new work on funded projects.

Are We Ready? Resilience as a Biomarker for a "Healthy" Gut Microbiome Expand

Monday, July 24, 2023

2:00-3:30 pm ET

In partnership with the Nutritional Microbiology GEM and the International Scientific Association for Probiotics and Prebiotics

Chair: J. Phil Karl, PhD, RD, USARIEM


Curtis Huttenhower, PhD
Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health Abigail Johnson, PhD, RD
School of Public Health
University of Minnesota Jotham Suez, PhD
Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health

Supported by: IAFNS Gut Microbiome Committee

It's Time to Quantify Intake Recommendations for Dietary Bioactives Expand

Sunday, July 23, 2023

8:00-9:30 a.m. E.T.

In partnership with the Research Interest Section on Bioactives


Johanna Dwyer, DSc, RD
Tufts University School of Medicine Charlene Van Buiten, PhD
Food Science and Human Nutrition
Colorado State University Speakers:
It is time to translate research evidence into quantified dietary bioactive intakes
John Erdman, Jr., PhD
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Flavan-3-ols evidence translated into a quantified guideline
Gunter Kuhnle, PhD
University of Reading
Reading, England, United Kingdom It's time to quantify lutein intakes to support normal vision
Paul Bernstein, MD, PhD
University of Utah It's time to quantify omega-3 intakes to support normal pregnancy term
Susan Carlson, PhD
University of Kansas Medical Center Panel on next steps to communicate recommended intakes through health care providers.
Speakers and Julie Poteet, OD MS CNS FONS, Ocular Wellness and Nutrition Society

A collaboration with the IAFNS Lipids Committee and Bioactives Committee

For more information, see here.

USDA Global Branded Food Products Database Part of session: "Public Data Sharing - New Norms, Current State of Affairs, and Best Practices Going Forward" Expand

Tuesday, July 25, 2023

8:30-9:30 a.m. E.T.

Supported by: USDA Global Branded Food Products Database Partners


Kyle McKillop, MS, USDA-ARS

Alanna Moshfegh, MS, RD, USDA-ARS

For more information, see here.

Sodium Contributions of Categories of Food Obtained from Restaurants and Stores, Estimated by Considering Foods in Their As-Eaten Form: NHANES, 2009-2018 Expand

Poster Number: P14-041-23

Sunday, July 23, 2023

12:45-1:45 p.m. E.T.


Debra R. Keast, PhD, Food and Nutrition Database Research

Patricia Guenther, PhD, RD, Guenther Consulting

Supported by: IAFNS Sodium Committee

For more information, see here.

The Broader Dietary Value and Consequences of Top Food Categories of Sodium Intake Expand

Poster Number: P24-001-23

Monday, July 24, 2023

11:45 a.m. - 12:45 p.m. E.T.

Presenter: Mavra Ahmed, PhD, University of Toronto


Anthea Christoforou, PhD
University of Toronto Mary R. L'Abbe, PhD
University of Toronto Christine Mulligan, BSc
University of Toronto Alena P. Ng, Msc.
University of Toronto

Supported by: IAFNS Sodium Committee

For more information, see here.

An Overview of Reviews on the Association of Low-Calorie Sweetener Consumption With Body Weight and Adiposity Expand

Poster Number: P31-025-23

Monday, July 24, 2023

12:45-1:45 p.m. E.T.

Presenter: Kelly Higgins, PhD, MPH, USDA ARS


Rita Rawal, PhD, RD
USDA-ARS Matthew Kramer
USDA-ARS (retired) David J. Baer, PhD
USDA-ARS David Klurfeld, PhD
Indiana University,
School of Public Health-Bloomington

Supported by: IAFNS Low- and No-Calorie Sweetener Committee.

For more information, see here.


Low-Carbohydrate Dietary Patterns are Associated with Beneficial Long-term Changes in Systemic Markers of Inflammation in the Framingham Offspring Cohort Expand

Poster Number: P29-002-23

Monday, July 24, 2023

11:45 a.m. - 12:45 p.m. E.T.

Presenter: Ghaida Aloraini, Tufts University


Nicola M. McKeown, PhD
Boston University Alice H. Lichtenstein, DSc
JM USDA Human Nutrition Research Center on Aging, Tufts University Sai Krupa K. Das, PhD
JM USDA Human Nutrition Research Center on Aging, Tufts University Paul F. Jacques, DSc
Tufts University

Supported by: IAFNS Lipids Committee

For more information, see here.


[post_title] => IAFNS at NUTRITION 2023 [post_excerpt] => [post_status] => publish [comment_status] => closed [ping_status] => closed [post_password] => [post_name] => iafns-at-nutrition-2023 [to_ping] => [pinged] => [post_modified] => 2023-11-21 10:18:14 [post_modified_gmt] => 2023-11-21 15:18:14 [post_content_filtered] => [post_parent] => 0 [guid] => [menu_order] => 0 [post_type] => event [post_mime_type] => [comment_count] => 0 [filter] => raw ) ) [post_count] => 1 [current_post] => -1 [before_loop] => [in_the_loop] => [post] => WP_Post Object ( [ID] => 31646 [post_author] => 343 [post_date] => 2023-05-02 11:12:22 [post_date_gmt] => 2023-05-02 15:12:22 [post_content] =>

IAFNS participated in the American Society for Nutrition Annual meeting - NUTRITION 2023 - presenting new work on funded projects.

Are We Ready? Resilience as a Biomarker for a "Healthy" Gut Microbiome Expand

Monday, July 24, 2023

2:00-3:30 pm ET

In partnership with the Nutritional Microbiology GEM and the International Scientific Association for Probiotics and Prebiotics

Chair: J. Phil Karl, PhD, RD, USARIEM


Curtis Huttenhower, PhD
Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health Abigail Johnson, PhD, RD
School of Public Health
University of Minnesota Jotham Suez, PhD
Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health

Supported by: IAFNS Gut Microbiome Committee

It's Time to Quantify Intake Recommendations for Dietary Bioactives Expand

Sunday, July 23, 2023

8:00-9:30 a.m. E.T.

In partnership with the Research Interest Section on Bioactives


Johanna Dwyer, DSc, RD
Tufts University School of Medicine Charlene Van Buiten, PhD
Food Science and Human Nutrition
Colorado State University Speakers:
It is time to translate research evidence into quantified dietary bioactive intakes
John Erdman, Jr., PhD
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Flavan-3-ols evidence translated into a quantified guideline
Gunter Kuhnle, PhD
University of Reading
Reading, England, United Kingdom It's time to quantify lutein intakes to support normal vision
Paul Bernstein, MD, PhD
University of Utah It's time to quantify omega-3 intakes to support normal pregnancy term
Susan Carlson, PhD
University of Kansas Medical Center Panel on next steps to communicate recommended intakes through health care providers.
Speakers and Julie Poteet, OD MS CNS FONS, Ocular Wellness and Nutrition Society

A collaboration with the IAFNS Lipids Committee and Bioactives Committee

For more information, see here.

USDA Global Branded Food Products Database Part of session: "Public Data Sharing - New Norms, Current State of Affairs, and Best Practices Going Forward" Expand

Tuesday, July 25, 2023

8:30-9:30 a.m. E.T.

Supported by: USDA Global Branded Food Products Database Partners


Kyle McKillop, MS, USDA-ARS

Alanna Moshfegh, MS, RD, USDA-ARS

For more information, see here.

Sodium Contributions of Categories of Food Obtained from Restaurants and Stores, Estimated by Considering Foods in Their As-Eaten Form: NHANES, 2009-2018 Expand

Poster Number: P14-041-23

Sunday, July 23, 2023

12:45-1:45 p.m. E.T.


Debra R. Keast, PhD, Food and Nutrition Database Research

Patricia Guenther, PhD, RD, Guenther Consulting

Supported by: IAFNS Sodium Committee

For more information, see here.

The Broader Dietary Value and Consequences of Top Food Categories of Sodium Intake Expand

Poster Number: P24-001-23

Monday, July 24, 2023

11:45 a.m. - 12:45 p.m. E.T.

Presenter: Mavra Ahmed, PhD, University of Toronto


Anthea Christoforou, PhD
University of Toronto Mary R. L'Abbe, PhD
University of Toronto Christine Mulligan, BSc
University of Toronto Alena P. Ng, Msc.
University of Toronto

Supported by: IAFNS Sodium Committee

For more information, see here.

An Overview of Reviews on the Association of Low-Calorie Sweetener Consumption With Body Weight and Adiposity Expand

Poster Number: P31-025-23

Monday, July 24, 2023

12:45-1:45 p.m. E.T.

Presenter: Kelly Higgins, PhD, MPH, USDA ARS


Rita Rawal, PhD, RD
USDA-ARS Matthew Kramer
USDA-ARS (retired) David J. Baer, PhD
USDA-ARS David Klurfeld, PhD
Indiana University,
School of Public Health-Bloomington

Supported by: IAFNS Low- and No-Calorie Sweetener Committee.

For more information, see here.


Low-Carbohydrate Dietary Patterns are Associated with Beneficial Long-term Changes in Systemic Markers of Inflammation in the Framingham Offspring Cohort Expand

Poster Number: P29-002-23

Monday, July 24, 2023

11:45 a.m. - 12:45 p.m. E.T.

Presenter: Ghaida Aloraini, Tufts University


Nicola M. McKeown, PhD
Boston University Alice H. Lichtenstein, DSc
JM USDA Human Nutrition Research Center on Aging, Tufts University Sai Krupa K. Das, PhD
JM USDA Human Nutrition Research Center on Aging, Tufts University Paul F. Jacques, DSc
Tufts University

Supported by: IAFNS Lipids Committee

For more information, see here.


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