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Nutrition is the American Society for Nutrition's inaugural flagship meeting. IAFNS is supporting several sessions at Nutrition 2018:

Videos of the NUTRITION 2018 scientific sessions are now available! Click on a session to view the videos.

"The Future of Taste and Health - Converging Areas of Science to Promote Healthy Dietary Patterns" Expand

Saturday, June 9th, 2018. Supported by the IAFNS Taste and Diet Working Group.

Watch the full session

  • Lay of the Taste Land - Taste Evolution, Mechanisms, and Functions
    Gary Beauchamp, PhD, Monell Chemical Senses Center
  • Non-Mechanistic Determinants of the Taste Experience: How Culture, Environment, and Habit Influence Taste
    John Hayes, PhD, The Pennsylvania State University
  • Sensory Properties of Food and Implications for Food Choice
    Chris Simons, PhD, Ohio State University
  • Improving the Nutritional Profile of Products While Maintaining Taste: Industry Perspective
    Jane Leland, PhD, Consultant
  • Modifying Consumer Preference to Improve Dietary Choices
    Debra Zellner, PhD, Montclair State University
  • What Do We Know About Taste and Food Choice?
    Naomi Fukagawa, PhD, USDA ARS Beltsville Human Nutrition Research Center
"ASN/Canadian Nutrition Society Session: Ensuring Trust in Nutrition Science" Expand

Saturday, June 9th, 2018. Supported by the Scientific Integrity Consortium. IAFNS is an active member of the Consortium.

Watch the full session

  • Session Chair
    James House, PhD, University of Manitoba
  • Best Practices in Nutrition Science to Earn and Keep the Public's Trust
    Patrick Stover, PhD, Texas A&M
  • Report from the Scientific Integrity Consortium: Principles & Best Practices
    Catherine Woteki, PhD, Iowa State University
  • Using Risk of Bias Domains to Identify Opportunities for Improvement in Food- and Nutrition-related Research: An Evaluation of Research Type and Design, Year of Publication, and Source of Funding
    Esther Myers, PhD, RD, FADA, EF Myers Consulting, Inc. This talk was supported by the IAFNS Assembly on Scientific Integrity.
"Best Practices in Measuring and Reporting Blood Fatty Acids in Human Nutrition Studies" Expand

Monday, June 11th, 2018. Supported by the IAFNS Dietary Lipids Committee.

Watch the full session

  • Overview: The Need for Guidelines and the Process
    J. Thomas Brenna, PhD, University of Texas at Austin
  • Study Design and Interpretation
    Melanie Plourde, PhD, Université de Sherbrooke
  • Laboratory Analysis and Reporting
    Peter Jones, PhD, University of Manitoba
"The Sodium Conundrum" Expand

Tuesday, June 12th, 2018. Supported by the IAFNS Sodium Committee.

Watch the full session.

  • Introduction and Session Overview
    Moderator/Session Chair: Christine Taylor, PhD, FDA (retired)
  • Relationship of Sodium and Potassium to Chronic Disease: AHRQ Systematic Review
    Janet de Jesus, MS, RD, HHS, Office of Disease Prevention and Health Promotion
  • Developing Guidance for Inclusion of Chronic Disease Endpoints in DRIs: Implication for Sodium and Potassium
    Marian Neuhouser, PhD, RD, Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center
  • Overview of FDA Sodium Reduction Guidance
    Christine Taylor, PhD, FDA (retired)
  • Progress in Sodium Reduction by the Food Industry
    Joshua Anthony, PhD, MBA, The Campbell Soup Company
"Neurocognition: The First 1000 Days" Expand

This symposium aims to highlight recent scientific discoveries addressing how availability of distinct nutrients, along with genetic differences in nutrient metabolism capacity, affect the elaborate cellular and molecular processes that take place during brain development, focusing on basic science and clinically-­‐relevant scientific advances.

Symposium Chair:
Christopher Lynch, PhD, NIH, Director, Office of Nutrition Research
Chief, Nutrition Research Branch


Development of the Brain During the First 1000 Days of Life:
Lisa Freund, PhD, Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute Child Health and Human Development Iron: A Key Nutrient and a Paradigm of Nutrient-Brain Interactions:
Michael Georgieff, MD, University of Minnesota The Relation Between Maternal Genotype, Lipid Intake and Metabolism, and Infant and Toddler Cognitive Performance:
Carol Cheatham, PhD, UNC Chapel Hill Nutrition Research Institute The Impact of Maternal Choline Metabolism on Brain Development:
Steven Zeisel, MD, PhD, UNC Chapel Hill Nutrition Research Institute



More information about Nutrition 2018 is available here.

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Past Events

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A Collaboration between the IAFNS Technical Committees on Food Microbiology and Sodium View the Published Workshop Proceedings

Workshop Summary

Extensive debate continues on how to lower sodium intakes of the population given that previous campaigns, related to labeling and education, have had minimal impact. The workshop objective was to connect the dots with the nutrition and public health community on why sodium reduction has been so challenging due in large part to the variety of microbial and functional roles sodium plays across different food categories. The workshop provided greater knowledge and appreciation of these challenges. The workshop broadened the dialogue and presented what we have learned in the last 5 years since the release of the Institute of Medicine’s Strategies to Reduce Sodium Intake in the United States Report about the functional challenges with sodium reduction. Speakers included the USDA Undersecretary and Chief Scientist Catherine Woteki, PhD, and FDA Office of Food Additive Safety scientist, Kasey Heintz, and experts from the Monell Institute, academia, and industry. The workshop provided an opportunity for nearly 75 experts including microbiologists, food scientists, public health professionals, and nutritionists to come together and discuss current initiatives, potential technologies, and how their challenges vary between sectors. Attendees included experts from FDA, USDA, CDC, NIH, Health Canada, the New York City Department of Health, Institute of Medicine Food & Nutrition Board, American Heart Association, Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, Institute of Food Technology, among others. The recommendation from the nutrition community has been to lower sodium in incremental steps so better taste acceptance is achieved in the lower sodium product. However, from a microbial food safety perspective, small changes in a product’s formulation requires that a new process validation is undertaken by the manufacturer for the new product formulation which requires sufficient time and resources depending on the product category. Discussion focused on the challenges faced when reducing or replacing sodium in foods, including technical challenges such as flavor profiles, unwanted chemical reactions and changes in texture; microbiological challenges such as decreasing water activity and reducing growth of pathogens and food spoilage organisms; and regulatory challenges and implications associated with replacing sodium chloride. Questions raised during the workshop wondered if consumers are willing to accept shorter shelf life for lower sodium levels and if an unintended consequence is increased food waste? In the effort to safely reduce sodium, the experts made recommendations on where scientific research is needed in order to make recommendations leading to improved public health. The workshop provided an outline of potential next steps in how to approach this enormous public health challenge in a systematic manner. With such a complex task at hand, even small steps are incredibly important and are the most realistic way to make progress.

Videos and Presentations

IAFNS experienced technical difficulties with the audio of the some of the presentations filmed during the workshop. The audio has been edited to elevate the quality as much as possible, but we apologize for any difficulty you have in hearing the presentations. Introductory Remarks from Moderators Christine Taylor, FDA (retired) & Michael Doyle, University of Georgia Sodium Reduction – A Practical Path Forward Kasey Heintz, FDA CFSAN USDA Catherine Woteki, USDA

Non-Microbiological Functional Roles of Sodium in Food

Introduction to Functional and Quality Applications of Sodium Kathy Groves, Leatherhead Food Research Texture/Mouthfeel in Grain Products  Janice Johnson, Cargill, Incorporated Salt Taste and Substitutes Paul Breslin, Monell Institute Regulatory Considerations (Claims / Standards of Identity) Kantha Shelke, Corvus Blue Case Study: Soup Patricia Zecca, Campbell Soup Company Case Study: Regulatory and Policy Considerations of Sodium Reduction in Dairy Foods Edith Wilkin, Leprino Foods Co. Case Study: Salt Substitutes Janice Johnson, Cargill, Incorporated Discussant Panel Moderated by Kathy Groves, Leatherhead Food Research

Microbiological Roles of Sodium in Food

Introduction: Salt and Sodium Preservatives for Microbiological Stability Michael Doyle, University of Georgia Processed (Cured and Deli) Meats  Jeff Sindelar, University of Wisconsin-Madison Microbial Considerations in Reduced Sodium Cheese and Other Dairy Products Kathleen Glass, University of Wisconsin-Madison Functional Role of Sodium in Refrigerated Dough and Refrigerated Dough Spoilage and Waste Dave Domingues, General Mills Inc. Case Study: Meat Peter Taormina, Smithfield Foods Case Study: Cheese/Dairy Bill Graves, National Dairy Council Discussant Panel Moderated by Michael Doyle, University of Georgia Closing Remarks Christine Taylor, FDA (retired) & Michael Doyle, University of Georgia

[post_title] => The Safety of Sodium Reduction in the Food Supply: A Cross Discipline Balancing Act [post_excerpt] => [post_status] => publish [comment_status] => closed [ping_status] => closed [post_password] => [post_name] => the-safety-of-sodium-reduction-in-the-food-supply-a-cross-discipline-balancing-act [to_ping] => [pinged] => [post_modified] => 2021-09-20 21:06:52 [post_modified_gmt] => 2021-09-20 21:06:52 [post_content_filtered] => [post_parent] => 0 [guid] => https://iafnsconnect.wpengine.com/northamerica/?post_type=event&p=293 [menu_order] => 0 [post_type] => event [post_mime_type] => [comment_count] => 0 [filter] => raw ) [2] => WP_Post Object ( [ID] => 294 [post_author] => 12 [post_date] => 2016-04-28 14:28:12 [post_date_gmt] => 2016-04-28 14:28:12 [post_content] => [post_title] => Chemical Mixtures: Application of a Tiered Approach [post_excerpt] => [post_status] => publish [comment_status] => closed [ping_status] => closed [post_password] => [post_name] => chemical-mixtures-application-of-a-tiered-approach [to_ping] => [pinged] => [post_modified] => 2016-05-21 20:27:00 [post_modified_gmt] => 2016-05-21 20:27:00 [post_content_filtered] => [post_parent] => 0 [guid] => https://iafnsconnect.wpengine.com/northamerica/?post_type=event&p=294 [menu_order] => 0 [post_type] => event [post_mime_type] => [comment_count] => 0 [filter] => raw ) [3] => WP_Post Object ( [ID] => 295 [post_author] => 12 [post_date] => 2016-04-28 15:24:59 [post_date_gmt] => 2016-04-28 15:24:59 [post_content] => [post_title] => Understanding Flavonoids & Their Role in Health [post_excerpt] => [post_status] => publish [comment_status] => closed [ping_status] => closed [post_password] => [post_name] => understanding-flavonoids-their-role-in-health [to_ping] => [pinged] => [post_modified] => 2021-09-09 20:38:46 [post_modified_gmt] => 2021-09-09 20:38:46 [post_content_filtered] => [post_parent] => 0 [guid] => https://iafnsconnect.wpengine.com/northamerica/?post_type=event&p=295 [menu_order] => 0 [post_type] => event [post_mime_type] => [comment_count] => 0 [filter] => raw ) [4] => WP_Post Object ( [ID] => 297 [post_author] => 12 [post_date] => 2016-04-28 15:48:05 [post_date_gmt] => 2016-04-28 15:48:05 [post_content] => [post_title] => IAFP 2015 Annual Meeting [post_excerpt] => [post_status] => publish [comment_status] => closed [ping_status] => closed [post_password] => [post_name] => iafp-2015-annual-meeting [to_ping] => [pinged] => [post_modified] => 2022-04-08 18:19:51 [post_modified_gmt] => 2022-04-08 18:19:51 [post_content_filtered] => [post_parent] => 0 [guid] => https://iafnsconnect.wpengine.com/northamerica/?post_type=event&p=297 [menu_order] => 0 [post_type] => event [post_mime_type] => [comment_count] => 0 [filter] => raw ) ) [post_count] => 5 [current_post] => -1 [before_loop] => [in_the_loop] => [post] => WP_Post Object ( [ID] => 292 [post_author] => 12 [post_date] => 2016-04-28 15:08:11 [post_date_gmt] => 2016-04-28 15:08:11 [post_content] => [post_title] => Health Risk Assessment of Oral Exposure to Arsenic [post_excerpt] => [post_status] => publish [comment_status] => closed [ping_status] => closed [post_password] => [post_name] => health-risk-assessment-of-oral-exposure-to-arsenic [to_ping] => [pinged] => [post_modified] => 2016-05-21 20:09:45 [post_modified_gmt] => 2016-05-21 20:09:45 [post_content_filtered] => [post_parent] => 0 [guid] => https://iafnsconnect.wpengine.com/northamerica/?post_type=event&p=292 [menu_order] => 0 [post_type] => event [post_mime_type] => [comment_count] => 0 [filter] => raw ) [comment_count] => 0 [current_comment] => -1 [found_posts] => 306 [max_num_pages] => 62 [max_num_comment_pages] => 0 [is_single] => [is_preview] => [is_page] => [is_archive] => [is_date] => [is_year] => [is_month] => [is_day] => [is_time] => [is_author] => [is_category] => [is_tag] => [is_tax] => [is_search] => [is_feed] => [is_comment_feed] => [is_trackback] => [is_home] => 1 [is_privacy_policy] => [is_404] => [is_embed] => [is_paged] => 1 [is_admin] => [is_attachment] => [is_singular] => [is_robots] => [is_favicon] => [is_posts_page] => [is_post_type_archive] => [query_vars_hash:WP_Query:private] => 0ec35f72a5b68d731e5c29e6f0174c46 [query_vars_changed:WP_Query:private] => [thumbnails_cached] => [allow_query_attachment_by_filename:protected] => [stopwords:WP_Query:private] => [compat_fields:WP_Query:private] => Array ( [0] => query_vars_hash [1] => query_vars_changed ) [compat_methods:WP_Query:private] => Array ( [0] => init_query_flags [1] => parse_tax_query ) )