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IAFNS will present at the American Society for Nutrition Annual Meeting -- NUTRITION 2024 -- showcasing new work on funded projects.

For more information on the NUTRITION 2024 conference, click here.
Meeting site: https://nutrition.org/n24/
Registration site: https://www.mcievents.com/nutrition2024/ Emerging Technology for Improved Diet and Microbiome Analysis Expand

Monday, July 1, from 4:00-5:30 p.m. Central Time

In partnership with the Nutritional Microbiology GEM.

Human research examining how diet and gut microbiome interactions influence health is underway globally in the form of large-scale cohort studies as well as smaller dietary interventions. Researchers working to identify new diet-gut microbe relationships face a lack of resolution and a high degree of variability in both dietary and microbial data.

New tools for dietary data collection, and gut microbiota analysis are rapidly being developed and existing tools adapted to help address these issues. As this field rapidly moves forward, we need to understand how to best apply new methods across varied study groups to obtain the most accurate and precise results possible.

By convening speakers with expertise in diet assessment, gut microbiology, and computational biology this symposium will address how novel methods in diet assessment, microbiology and machine learning/AI are being applied to advance understanding of diet-microbiome interactions in health and disease.

Supported by: IAFNS Nutrition for Gut Health Committee


Intake of Live Dietary Microbes and Its Relation to Health Indicators in Koreans (Protocol) Expand

Poster Number: 1758539


Mei Chung, Tufts University

Naisi Zhao, Tufts University

Supported by: IAFNS Nutrition for Gut Health Committee

For more information, see here.

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Past Events

Invitation-Only Dialogue: The World Health Organization’s 2022 NUGAG Draft Guidelines on Non-Sugar Sweeteners: Exploring the Recommendations

Virtual, Event

Join the Institute for the Advancement of Food and Nutrition Sciences (IAFNS), the International Food Information Council (IFIC), and the Calorie Control Council (CCC) for this invitation-only event to explore the science, the recommendations, and the implications with Dr. Tauseef Khan of the University of Toronto. As this is intended to be a dialogue, representatives from FDA and other authoritative experts are invited to contribute.

Read more about Invitation-Only Dialogue: The World Health Organization’s 2022 NUGAG Draft Guidelines on Non-Sugar Sweeteners: Exploring the Recommendations

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    [allow_query_attachment_by_filename:protected] => 
    [stopwords:WP_Query:private] => 
    [compat_fields:WP_Query:private] => Array
            [0] => query_vars_hash
            [1] => query_vars_changed

    [compat_methods:WP_Query:private] => Array
            [0] => init_query_flags
            [1] => parse_tax_query
