Dietary intake (DI) and physical activity (PA) data are used in a variety of ways, including to determine nutrient adequacy and deficiency; to assess nutritional, fitness, and health status; to develop health promotion and behavioral interventions; and to understand food chemical and microbiological exposure, food–drug interactions, and pharmacokinetic effects. Methods used to capture these data must therefore be reliable and accurate to ensure confidence when determining quantitative DI and energy intake (EI), food behaviors, and energy expenditure (EE), especially for real-time monitoring and interventions. Moreover, because the underlying pathways and mechanisms regulating energy homeostasis are not fully understood, improved measures can help address challenges in understanding interrelationships between DI and PA.

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This publication was developed following the IAFNS 2016 Tech Summit: Innovative Tools for Assessing Diet & Physical Activity for Health Promotion.

This work was supported by the IAFNS Balancing Food & Activity for Health Committee. Learn more about IAFNS’s work and commitment to Scientific Integrity.