Food for Health Workshop – 2019 Canadian Nutrition Society Annual Meeting

Niagara Falls, Ontario

The Food for Health Workshop is an annual pre-conference event hosted by the Canadian Nutrition Society and IAFNS. The workshop aims to bring together representatives from across the nutrition spectrum to engage in solutions and actions that aim to improve the health of Canadians. The 2019 Food for Health Workshop will focus on Technology at the Interface between Food and Health.

Read more about Food for Health Workshop – 2019 Canadian Nutrition Society Annual Meeting

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IAFNS is supporting one session and two posters at NUTRITION 2019:

Scientific Session: The Many Faces of Personalized Nutrition

Saturday, June 8th, 2019
8:30am - 11:00am
Ballroom I/II

Nutrition tailored to an individual is evolving into a diverse array of options ranging from one-on-one professional engagement to high tech/high touch. Although nutrigenomics to identify health outcome risk potential that might be modified by diet has received a lot of attention, there are many other high potential approaches available and for which the science and application to the public are successfully advancing.

The purpose of this session is to feature a diversity of options in the personalized nutrition tool box. The many faces to be featured range from high tech personalized nutrigenomics and metabolic measures that help determine likely response to dietary choices, to the rapidly developing future of do-it-yourself tools designed to motivate and track behavioral choices.

Watch all videos from this session.

Session Chair:

Alison Stieber, PhD, RD, Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics


Personalized dietary management of obesity based on microbial enterotypes - Video
Mads Hjorth, PhD, University of Copenhagen Multi-nucleotide polymorphisms influence cholesterol response differently to dietary fat - Video not available
Itzel Vazquez-Vidal, PhD, University of Manitoba From diagnostics to monitoring, enabling personalized advice and an entry into personalized nutrition - Video
Claude Aebischer, PhD, DSM Can Artificial Intelligence enable dietary behavior change? - Video
Kim Stitzel, MS, RD, American Heart Association Moderated discussion - Video
Barbara Schneeman, PhD, University of California, Davis

This session is supported by the IAFNS Dietary Lipids Committee.

Bioactives RIS Group Update:

Monday, June 10th, 2019
5:00pm - 6:00pm
Room 314/315

The IAFNS Standing Committee on Bioactive Recommendations, a group of volunteer experts, will update the American Society for Nutrition Bioactives Research Interest Section on its development of a framework for developing bioactive intake recommendations. The framework is intended to provide a globally relevant process and procedure for translating evidence into consumption recommendations for bioactive dietary components that have demonstrated benefits to human health but do not have documented symptoms of deficiency.

Learn more about the IAFNS Bioactives Committee.

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IAFNS is supporting one session and two posters at NUTRITION 2019:

Scientific Session: The Many Faces of Personalized Nutrition

Saturday, June 8th, 2019
8:30am - 11:00am
Ballroom I/II

Nutrition tailored to an individual is evolving into a diverse array of options ranging from one-on-one professional engagement to high tech/high touch. Although nutrigenomics to identify health outcome risk potential that might be modified by diet has received a lot of attention, there are many other high potential approaches available and for which the science and application to the public are successfully advancing.

The purpose of this session is to feature a diversity of options in the personalized nutrition tool box. The many faces to be featured range from high tech personalized nutrigenomics and metabolic measures that help determine likely response to dietary choices, to the rapidly developing future of do-it-yourself tools designed to motivate and track behavioral choices.

Watch all videos from this session.

Session Chair:

Alison Stieber, PhD, RD, Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics


Personalized dietary management of obesity based on microbial enterotypes - Video
Mads Hjorth, PhD, University of Copenhagen Multi-nucleotide polymorphisms influence cholesterol response differently to dietary fat - Video not available
Itzel Vazquez-Vidal, PhD, University of Manitoba From diagnostics to monitoring, enabling personalized advice and an entry into personalized nutrition - Video
Claude Aebischer, PhD, DSM Can Artificial Intelligence enable dietary behavior change? - Video
Kim Stitzel, MS, RD, American Heart Association Moderated discussion - Video
Barbara Schneeman, PhD, University of California, Davis

This session is supported by the IAFNS Dietary Lipids Committee.

Bioactives RIS Group Update:

Monday, June 10th, 2019
5:00pm - 6:00pm
Room 314/315

The IAFNS Standing Committee on Bioactive Recommendations, a group of volunteer experts, will update the American Society for Nutrition Bioactives Research Interest Section on its development of a framework for developing bioactive intake recommendations. The framework is intended to provide a globally relevant process and procedure for translating evidence into consumption recommendations for bioactive dietary components that have demonstrated benefits to human health but do not have documented symptoms of deficiency.

Learn more about the IAFNS Bioactives Committee.

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                    [ID] => 4207
                    [post_author] => 67
                    [post_date] => 2018-02-27 18:39:19
                    [post_date_gmt] => 2018-02-27 18:39:19
                    [post_content] => 
                    [post_title] => IAFP 2018 Annual Meeting
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                    [post_modified] => 2022-04-08 18:16:56
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            [4] => WP_Post Object
                    [ID] => 26311
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                    [post_date_gmt] => 2021-09-08 18:37:10
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Finalists Announced for the NUTRITION 2018 Dietary Bioactives Research Design Challenge


Non-essential bioactive dietary components hold promise for helping maintain optimal health and reducing risk of chronic disease, yet most efficacy studies are not sufficiently designed or powered to measure their safety. In the IAFNS Research Design Challenge at NUTRITION 2018, interdisciplinary teams pitched novel research designs that integrate safety measures and primary efficacy measures into a single study. Data obtained from such studies will improve the confidence of regulatory bodies with product oversight and health professionals providing advice to the general public.

Research Design Challenge Objective: Demonstrate proof of principle for novel research designs to integrate more safety measures in research with the primary purpose of testing efficacy of dietary bioactives.

Congratulations to the finalists of the IAFNS NUTRITION 2018 Research Design Challenge:

First Place:

Team Rutgers, led by Alexandra Kreitman, Department of Nutritional Sciences
"Measuring Safety and Efficacy of a Health Promoting Dietary Component: Monitoring GI Side Effects of a Putative α-Glucosidase Inhibitor."

Second Place: 

Team University of Alabama, Birmingham, led by Yuanyuan Rose Li, Department of Pharmacology and Toxicology
"An Effective Method to Balance Efficacy and Safety Test for Bioactive Soybean Isoflavone-Enhanced Chemotherapy in Breast Cancer Patients." Watch the Pitch Videos

This challenge session was supported by the IAFNS Bioactive Committee.

Design challenge judges were Paul Coates, Office of Dietary Supplements; James Coughlin, Coughlin & Associates; and Christina Khoo, Ocean Spray Cranberries. Research teams were mentored by Jiang Hu, Herbalife; and Tia Rains, Ajinomoto Health & Nutrition North America, Inc.

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